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7 Actionable Ways to Build Up Your Leadership Skills

Regardless of where you are on the career ladder, it’s always a good idea to develop your leadership skills!


5 Qualities of an Effective Public Service Leader

Successful leaders share five key qualities that make them rockstar public servants and effective leaders. Which do you have?


4 Things We Learned from Mindy Kaling on Confidence

Dive into Mindy Kaling’s guide to building confidence, whether in your career or everyday life.


Debunking Common Myths about Running for Office

What is the truth behind common myths stopping women from running for office? Find out now!


6 Ways You Can Make a Positive Change in Your Community

By thinking locally, you can take immediate and significant actions, big or small, that benefit you and the people in your town or city.


5 Ways to Flip the Script

Tips for protecting your sanity + our democracy when someone offers their hot take on today’s daunting political news.


Running On Faith

When running for office, voters will be curious about your values--learn how to discuss how your faith informs your values, authentically.


How to Call Out and Shut Down Sexism in Politics

Learn to name and address sexism when you see it.


10 Things to Know about Women’s Representation

Get quick, easily understood facts about why women belong in government.


3 Ways to Get Involved in Local Government

Not all politics happens at the national level! Find out how you can get involved in local government to make a difference in your community.


Social Media Tips for Future Candidates

Social media is a great tool to use on your path to elected leadership--as long as you know how to harness it!