
What to Know Before You Run

Last month, we posted a simple question across our social media: What’s your advice for someone who isn’t sure if she should run… Read More

5 Tips to Build Resilience

It’s 2024, and it seems like everywhere you look, there’s bad news. No wonder Gen Z is experiencing a crushing… Read More

Exploring the Issues Impacting Your Community

In the last few weeks at She Should Run, we’ve been trying something completely new: diving into specific issues affecting women across the… Read More

3 Signs the Universe Wants You to Run for Office

by Sarah Hopkins It’s official: We are in the manifestation and personal growth era. ✨ It would be fantastic to be able to… Read More

Setting–and Reaching–2023 Goals

As we settle into 2023, it’s always good to set new intentions for the months to come. Identifying your 2023 goals, whether they… Read More

Managing Mental Health on the Campaign Trail

(illustration by Brittany England) Deciding to run for public office can bring about a wave of emotions,… Read More

5 Ways to Invest in Equal Representation

It is truly incomprehensible how human beings have been on this planet for thousands of years, yet only in the past century have… Read More

“Will you…run for office?” – How To Ask A Woman In Your Life To Run

It is one of my favorite memories. They took me to our favorite restaurant and spent the evening reminding me of my accomplished… Read More

What Drives Us To Vote

2020…what a year, right? Election years are always chaotic but in the midst of a pandemic and civil unrest, we’ve all been part of arguable… Read More

How to Exercise Your Right to Vote This Election

Writer and meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg once said, “Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, one another, this country,… Read More