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Check out our guides, worksheets, quizzes, and other resources created to help you develop your leadership and navigate through your initial questions and concerns while considering running for office.

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Which Public Office Should You Run For?

Would you make a magnificent mayor? Or are you destined for your local school board? Take this quiz to find out.


Public Office Profile Suite

Learn about different elected offices, requirements to run, and helpful skills to have.


Ask Her Anything

Connect with a woman who has previously run for office for a 30-minute, one-on-one conversation.


Q&A with State Rep Park Cannon

Read about the life of a State Representative and what drove her to run.


Q&A with State Senator Kesha Ram Hinsdale

Read about the life of a State Senator and what drove her to run.


Q&A with Judge Rosie Speedlin Gonzalez

Read about the life of a Judge and what drove her to run.


Q&A with Judge Mariam Bazzi

Read about the life of a Judge and what drove her to run.


Q&A with City Councilwoman Roxy Ndebumadu

Read about the life of a City Councilwoman and what drove her to run.


Q&A with City Councilwoman Tessa Abeyta Stuve

Read about the life of a City Councilwoman and what drove her to run.


Q&A with Mayor Liz Ordiales

Read about the life of a Mayor and what drove her to run.


Q&A with City Councilwoman April Fournier

Read about the life of a City Councilwoman and what drove her to run.


Q&A with State Representative Muffy Davis

Read about the life of a State Representative and what drove her to run.