
6 Reasons Why Teachers Make Strong Elected Leaders

It’s National Teacher’s Appreciation Week! In the last few election cycles, we’ve seen teachers stepping up to run for office in rapid numbers and we appreciate them all. From lack of funding to teachers’ pay to a desire to have their voices heard at the decision-making table, teachers have proven that they have the skillset to lead both inside and outside the classroom. Here are six reasons why teachers would also make strong elected leaders.

Teachers Are Strong Communicators



When it comes to being an effective teacher and elected official, the ability to communicate with others is key. Teachers must communicate with their students so students know what they’ll be learning and what to expect from the school year. Elected officials must communicate with their constituents so constituents know what bills are being created, what is going on with their government, and a variety of other issues that impact their daily life. Both roles require the ability to not only speak publicly but to do so in a way that their audience understands them.

Teachers Are Strong Listeners



Great communication doesn’t stop with talking. Listening well is one of the most important skills needed to be a teacher and an elected official. In order for both teachers and elective officials to truly support those they are in charge of helping, they must be able to take feedback from their students/constituents.

Teachers Are Strong Collaborators



Working in government, similar to working in education, means never truly working alone. The key to success in both is the ability to work effectively in a group. You need to be able to fill various roles in order to collaborate effectively. Collaborating well also means you must be open to learning from others. When you work in the government, you’re destined to be working with others who sit across party lines from you, similar to teachers who have different teaching styles. The ability to work together is critical to overall success.

Teachers Are Forever Learners



As times change and resources grow, the ability to not only teach others but also continue to learn themselves is critical for both teachers and elected officials. There is an unspoken dedication to continuing to learn so one can either teach their students more effectively or support their constituents who need different things than those years prior.

Teachers Have Patience



No matter what grade level you’re teaching or the level of office you’re serving in, your patience will be tested while working as an educator and/or elected official. Whether you’re managing classroom/cabinet behavior, working with colleagues with different views, or communicating issues, patience is one of the most important skills to practice.

Teachers Care



Here at She Should Run, we truly believe that if you care, then you’re qualified to run for office. Like teachers, many people who serve in elected office were driven by their love for their communities and the desire to help them. Teachers shape the lives of their students while elected leaders shape the lives of their constituents so the need to care for others is truly imperative to successfully fulfill both jobs.

If you’re a teacher who is tired of waiting for your elected leaders to care about you and your students’ needs, then it’s time to start considering a run for office. Representation matters and your voice is imperative at the decision-making table. It’s time to take your seat, your future run for office has begun.